Hello Again,
So I said that is might have multiple posts today so here comes another your way. This is what I actually did today, while the other should have been posted quite some time ago. My apologies there. Today I visited the IKEA store here in Taipei. I know some of my readers are huge fans of this place.The place wasn't quite the same for me but i have only been there once before, but what I noticed was different was the lack of awesome showrooms. The really expensively put together showrooms that graced the one that I had gone to before was one of my highlights. Just a heads up for many people I have not really been into IKEA for the the actual shopping but more for sightseeing. So don't laugh at me. Other than that it seemed to be pretty standard IKEA albeit a mite smaller than the one I visited, but Taipei has limited space.
The main event of of today was the Miniatures Museum of Taiwan, which completely surprised me today. I really had no idea what to expect because the only thing I knew about the museum before I went was that it was near IKEA so I was going to go check it out. I have uploaded a separate slideshow for these photos so you can check out how awesome they are.
I won't go too into detail because I feel that the pictures are worth way more words than I can put down so I will give you a brief summary and then let you see them for yourself. I took photos of just about everything in the museum so you can experience it for yourself. The main theme that I saw was a massive playground for my niece. Everything was just here size to play with. She would have passed out if she had walked into this place. To a child it would seem like there were toys everywhere, but to the more practiced eye it was a masterpiece. Crafting such tiny items with such precision and accuracy. Many of the items are from famous scenes, movies and characters. I hope that you will be able to name some of them. In my fascination I forgot to get the names of the exhibit so it would be great if you could comment to help me out on this.
I spent about an hour and a half in this museum that was very small, but just so fascinating. I would sit in front of once of the crafted rooms and just marvel at how real it looked as if I could just walk right in and sit down. Since I already posted today I am not going to go any further, so go ahead and take a look for yourself.
There has been a request to put up some video footage, so I just want to let everyone know that I will be working on that as well. I did some trial and error today, and I will be sorting out what worked and how I can improve going forward to give you all something that you don't have to read but rather get a look firsthand at how I live here in Taipei.
Check in with you all later.
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